Data Tables

i3 Productionboe2,295,890 4,495,230 5,543,773 
Combined direct and indirect GHG emissions intensity tCO2e/boe 0.04480.04260.0410
– Direct GHG emissions attributable to stationary combustion tCO2e 50,215112,874128,934
– Direct GHG emissions attributable to fugitivestCO2e 18.373,58011,735
– Direct GHG emissions attributable to flaringtCO2e 3,5594,6793,810
– Direct GHG emissions attributable to ventstCO2e 45,13564,96462,491
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)tCO2e 98,927186,097206,970
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)tCO2e 3,9405,26520,460
Air quality
Sulfur dioxidetonnesNR53.7194.07
Nitrogen oxidestonnes340.891,146.411046.84
Volatile organic compoundstonnes56.69228.3591.27
Particular mattertonnes5.6311.059.35
Fresh water withdrawal2 m3None20130,858
Volume of produced water m3NRNR5,556
Biodiversity impacts 
Reportable spills count174
Volume of reportable spills m310.062.3353
Well abandonmentscount131770
Wells decommissionedcountNR137
Reclamation certificates receivedcountNR99
Recordable injuries (contractor)count112
Recordable injuries (employee)count000
Lost-time injuries (contractor)count010
Lost-time injuries (employee)count000
Total recordable incident rate (contractor)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR2.67
Total recordable incident rate (employee)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR0
Fatality rate (contractor)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR0
Fatality rate (employee)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR0
Near miss frequency rate (contractor)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR0
Near miss frequency rate (employee)cases /200,000 work hoursNRNR0
Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for (contractor)hoursNRNR8.04
Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for (employee)hoursNRNR1.16

1 i3 Energy utilized IPCC AR4 global warming potential (GWP) factors 
2All water withdrawals were consumed by i3 Energy 
3Well abandonments does not include the 5 wells i3 Energy had under AER care and custody 
4Average hours of health and safety training are for Canadian employees or contractors only 
NR: Data not reported
UnitsYear end
Year end
Year end
Total workforcecount86123130
Employees in Canadacount334049
– Full-time Canada employeescount33949
– Part-time Canada employeescount010
– Contractors in Canadacount417375
Employees in the UKcount1194
– Full-time UK employeescount1084
– Part-time UK employeescount110
– Contractors in the UKcount112
Women in the workforcecount232934
– Women in the UK workforcecount322
– Women employees in the UKcount322
– Women contractors in the UKcount000
– Women in the Canadian workforcecount202732
– Women employees in Canadacount162025
– Women contractors in Canadacount477